Staying Safe
Personal security at home and out and about. Make sure that you are staying safe no matter what you are doing or where you are going.
This article will give yu information and advice you need to help you love later life.
We are passionate about affirming that your later years can be fulfilling years. Whether you’re enjoying your later life or going through tough times, we’re here to help you make the best of your life.
This information guide has been prepared by The Leading Care Company and contains general advice only, it should not be relied on as a basis for any decision or action and cannot be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. The Leading Care Company nor any companies mentioned in this article accepts any liability arising from its use and it is the reader’s sole responsibility to ensure any information is up to date and accurate.
This article about Staying Safe cover the following points.
- What this article is about
- Securing your doors and windows
- Security devices
- Boosting security around your home
- Locking up
- Marking posessions
- Insurance
- Going on holiday
- Neighbourhood Watch
- Safety at the door
- Safety when you’re out and about
- Mobile phones
- What to do if you’re a victim of crime
- Compensation schemes
- Security checklist
- Useful organisations.
What this article is about?
Many of us are anxious about crime and how best we can stay safe. Although it is important to be cautious, taking a few simple precautions to make ourselves and our homes more secure can help us avoid being targeted and give us peace of mind.
This article outlines steps we can take to feel safer, both at home and when we’re out. As far as possible, the information given in this guide is applicable across the UK.
Securing your doors and windows.
You can reduce the risk of your home being burgled by taking some simple, and often inexpensive, precautions.
Fitting your doors and windows with good locks can go a long way towards deterring burglars.
If you live in rented accommodation, ask your landlord if they can help make your doors and windows more secure.
Doors Fitting your front door with the following can prevent burglars from gaining entry to your home:
An automatic rim latch lock (sometimes called a nightlatch). These can usually be opened from the inside without a key. This lock isn’t enough on its own – you should also have the lock described below.
A five-lever mortice deadlock with Kitemark BS 3621. These can only be unlocked with a key, even from the inside.
A letter-box cage to prevent thieves from tampering with locks through the letter box.
A door peephole, which allows you to check who is outside before deciding whether it’s safe to open the door to them.
Your back door should also be fitted with a five-lever mortice deadlock.
Fit a security mortice lock and mortice bolt to both sides of French doors, and get advice on fitting locks to patio doors.
Staying safe
Make sure the doors and frames of outside doors are strong with sturdy door hinges. Fit hinge bolts for extra security.
Consider replacing glass panels with laminated glass to make them more difficult to break, or buy special film to stick to the inside that will have a similar effect.
Some people use a door chain so they can see who’s on the doorstep without having to open the door completely. If you have one, don’t leave the chain on all day because this can stop family, carers or emergency services from getting into your home if they are needed.
Windows Fit window locks with keys to all downstairs windows and any others that are easy to reach, such as those above a flat roof or near a drain pipe.
Keep window keys in a safe place, out of sight and reach. They should be close to the window so that you could find them easily if you needed to escape in the event of fire, but not on the windowsill.
If you’re thinking of buying PVCu or metal-framed windows, make sure they come with good built-in locks and comply with British security standards, as it may not be possible to fit better locks once they are installed. what
Security devices
In addition to locks, there are other, more sophisticated security devices available, such as special outdoor lighting and burglar alarms that act as deterrents.
Lights Outdoor lights make it easier for you to find your way if you’re coming or going after dark.
One option is to install a low-level light that automatically switches on from dusk until dawn.
Alternatively, you can get a light that switches on automatically when it senses movement outside your home but these can be accidentally triggered by pets and other animals.
If you decide to get a motion-activated light, make sure you position it carefully so that it doesn’t disturb your sleep or annoy your neighbours.
Burglar alarm A burglar alarm can warn you, and/or the police, of an intruder.
There are many alarm types with different features, and costs vary.
If you’re considering installing a burglar alarm:
ask the Safer Neighbourhood team at your nearest police station for advice before you buy an alarm.
In Safer Neighbourhood teams the police officers work with local people to make the area you live in safer. If there isn’t a Safer Neighbourhood team, your police station will have a Crime Prevention Officer who can advise you.
In Scotland you can dial 101 to speak to your local community police officer, or visit Police Scotland’s website for more information.
Get at least three quotes and specialist advice from alarm companies.
Ask your insurance company which alarm companies it recommends and how an alarm needs to be maintained.
Some companies offer a discount on your home contents insurance if you have an approved alarm installed.
Get professional help to install the alarm. Check that the contractor or company who you get to install the alarm is approved by the National Security Inspectorate (NSI) or the Security Systems and Alarms Inspection Board (SSAIB).
There are schemes all over the UK offering home security services.
Some Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs) offer free services to improve security, such as fitting locks.
Some local Age UKs offer handyperson schemes to older people who meet certain criteria, to assist with small repairs and reduce risks in the home.
Contact Age UK Advice for details of your local Age UK.
In Wales, contact Age Cymru to find out if there’s a handyperson or a HandyVan service in your area.
In Scotland, contact Care and Repair Scotland for the details of your local Care and Repair service.
If you want to find a reliable trades person, you can use the government-run TrustMark scheme to find local tradespeople who comply with government-endorsed standards or see if your local Age UK runs a ‘Trusted Trader’ scheme that can recommend someone.